Red sweatshirts/jumpers/cardigans (with or without school logo) must be worn every day including when pupils attend in PE kit.
Basic uniform should be worn on days when it is not a designated PE day.
This uniform is:
Black or grey trousers/shorts/skirts
Red gingham dresses/skirts
Plain white shirt/polo top/blouse
· Black shoes
Red sweatshirts/jumpers/cardigans (with or without school logo)
PE days (Your class teacher will confirm which days these are):
Plain white t-shirt (unless it has school logo on)
Plain black shorts or black jogging bottoms
Pumps or trainers
Pupils must attend wearing Red sweatshirts/jumpers/cardigans (with or without school logo), but may bring in a plain sweatshirt or hooded top to wear if required during outdoor PE lessons.